Thomas Jefferson Elementary School is located in a residential neighborhood on Rose Street in Bellflower. The facilities include 22 regular education classrooms, two special education classrooms, a multipurpose room that also serves as the school cafeteria, a school library, a 40 station computer lab and smaller specialized rooms for students needing assistance in specific academic areas. We are pleased to offer full day kindergarten.

Thomas Jefferson serves 700 students. The attendance rate at the school was 95.92 percent during the prior school year. Student enrollment includes a variety of ethnic backgrounds: Asian 3 percent, Pacific Islander 3 percent, Filipino 4 percent, Hispanic 63 percent, African-American 16 percent, Caucasian 8 percent and multiple 4 percent.

Students at Thomas Jefferson regularly learn about career opportunities within their core academic subjects. Daily lessons include integration of subject matter to real world situations and careers. Students are given opportunities beyond the classroom setting to experience the world of work through student council activities. In addition, we offer several after school enrichment classes that include reading, math, critical thinking, and computer club. Our Apple Program from 3:00-6:00 p.m. for 1st - 6th graders provides after school homework support and recreational and enrichment opportunities.

The school has 22 regular education teachers, three special education teachers, one Title I support teacher, and a principal. Other personnel serving the school include a family advocate, psychologist, two health assistants, a guidance intern, and a speech and language therapist. All staff meet the credential requirements of the State of California. Sixty percent of our certificated staff have advanced degrees. Students receive additional support before, during and after school. GATE students receive differentiated instruction.

Our mission is to educate all students using a cohesive, focused, and comprehensive program of instruction. We are dedicated to maximizing opportunities for our diverse student population so that they can fulfill their social and academic potential in a safe, student-centered learning environment.

Notice of Non-Discrimination: The Bellflower Unified School District does not illegally discriminate on the basis of ethnic group identification, religion, age, actual or perceived sex, color, sexual orientation, gender, race, ancestry, national origin, mental or physical disability, or any other reason prohibited by State or Federal Discrimination Statutes in any program or activity conducted by the district. Students/parents who have questions or concerns about the policy can contact the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Personnel and Programs at (562) 866-9011 ext. 2010.

Aviso de no discriminación: El distrito escolar unificado de Bellflower no discrimina ilegalmente a base de identificación con un grupo étnico, religión, edad, sexo real o percibido, color, tendencia sexual, género, raza, ascendencia, origen nacional, discapacidad física o mental, o cualquier otra razón prohibida por leyes, federales o estatales en cualquier programa o actividad llevado a cabo por el distrito.  Los estudiantes o padres de familia que tengan preguntas o inquietudes sobre la política pueden ponerse en contacto con la sub superintendente de programas y personal de instrucción al (562) 866-9011 ext. 2010.

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16703 S. Clark Ave.   •   Bellflower, CA 90706   •   562-866-9011